Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

I know the states are baking in the heat and begging for rain - wish I could send some your way. This morning it started pouring - sheets and sheets of rain; I thought it was never going to stop. The roof started dripping, then leaking, then pouring water into the sunroom. I was scrambling to move the furniture into the living room, remove all my electronics, find trashcans and buckets to try and stem the tide - but it was all hopeless. Finally, I just found a dry spot, sat down and waited for it to stop.

I had about 2 inches of water in the sun room, the towels I threw down were floating. Then the sun came out, my housekeeper showed up to help get rid of all the water, my handyman is on his way to see if he can fix the is good.

Tonight's forecast....MORE RAIN.

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