Friday, July 15, 2011

The Mexican Way

One of the first things you learn about living in Mexico is Mexican are the most unpredictable people. In the States, we view them as lazy, uncouth, even stupid. But I have found them to be the hardest working people I have ever known. Everything is done by hand - there are very few heavy machines down here.

Last year there was a huge mudslide that nearly wiped out a nearby village. Everything was buried in 6 feet of mud. Cows, dogs, sheep and even people were washed into the lake by torrents of mud and rocks. But within a month, you could drive through that little village and everything looked perfectly normal. They know the government is not going to come rescue them, so they just get on with it.

They also recycle everything - nothing goes to waste. Our garbage men open up every bag and look for anything usable before they toss the bag into the truck. When they repaired my roof, they took all the old broken roof tiles as part of payment - they use them to repair their own roofs.

And no matter how hot and sweaty they get - they don't smell. I'm sure it is because they don't use deodorant, body lotions, or perfumes like we do in the states - it is really amazing. After 10 minutes to working in the yard, I smell like a wet dog - but my gardener is dripping with sweat - and smells like fresh cut grass.

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