Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pros and Cons of Living in Mexico

Con - you cannot dial 911
Pro - you seldom need to dial 911 - even with all the noise about the Cartel - violent crime is very rare here. Unless you are involved with drug trafficking - hardly anyone owns a gun

Con - you can't drink water directly from the tap
Pro - most of us drink bottled water anyway because of all the pollution in US tap water

Con - you can't get direct US television
Pro - you can't get direct US television

Con - if you want to purchase a house you have to pay cash - there are not mortgage banks
Pro - most of us here are too old to qualify for a mortgage anyway

Con - the major highways are toll roads - the cost in tolls back to the states is about $120 USD
Pro - they are very well maintained and patrolled by the "Green Angels" who help stranded motorists - and it's free

Con - you can't shop for the lowest gas price - I have no idea how much a gallon of gas costs because it is not posted.
Pro - every gas station in the country charges the same - what ever the price is

Con - there are very few DIY home repair stores here
Pro - labor is so cheap - it is much easier to just hire someone to do home repairs for you

Con - it is impossible to find good Chinese food in Mexico...if you are Chinese and are reading this - please move here and open a cafe - you can live at my house.
Pro - there are none for this

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