Monday, October 11, 2010

What the Heck is THIS??

When I was considering moving to Ajijic, one of things on the top of my 'Bucket List' was to find a community that was active and like to socialize. My life in Austin had become sooooo routine. I went to work every day, came home at 3:30, walked the dog, figured out something for dinner, watched TV and went to bed. On the weekends I would go to estate and garge sales with friends, fix things around the house, take the dog to the dog park, yadda yadda yadda.

Now everyday I meet someone for breakfast, meet someone else for lunch, go to someone else's house for dinner and watch a movie. In between all this eatting, I visted a friend in the hospital and went to the market. Tomorrow a friend is coming for lunch and a swim and then I'm going to a fashion show. WTF - I need a NAP!!

1 comment:

  1. Who are you? and what have you done with my mother? Just kidding, so glad you are happy and having fun! Enjoy every bit of it, you deserve it.
