Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Home sweet - Casita

Thanks to a couple of friends I met on the web - I have found a little Casita to rent in Ajijic - hope to post some pics soon. It is on the gounds of a large home owned by a woman - recently divorced - it is one bedroom - gated parking for the car, large grounds for my little CK to run around in, completely furnished, it sounds perfect. It is about 5 minutes drive to the village and has a HEATED POOL - sounds like a winner to me. The owner has agreeded to hold it until I arrive in October. OMG I love the internet.

I am taking a total leap of faith here - I don't know this woman - she would be a serial killer for all I know, she could take my deposit money and fund some drug cartel - but.......hold nose and JUMP.

Leaving in exactly 1 month....let the countdown begin

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friends and other Things We Leave Behind

I have never been a very social animal - I don't have a wide range of friends; I'm sort of a recluse. I don't 'cultivate' friends; I'm terrible about remembering birthdays, going to class reunions, attending weddings, cooing over baby pictures, showing up for showers, volunteering to feed the neighbors dogs, or watering their plants. It's not that I don't have the time or energy - I just don't make the effort. Consequently, my circle of friends has become very small.

When I move to Mexico I want to turn over a new leaf. I want to isolate less, socialize more, walk neighbors dogs and water their plants. I want to be the person they can depend on to bring a killer casserole to a pot-luck diner or help them with jump the dead battery on their car. I want to be the neighborhood gossip and the go-to person for picking out new drapes.

Retirement Isolation is a very seductive state - you can take naps, listen to books on your MP3 player, mentally balance your checking account, and day-dream. Socializing requries you to actually be present, not something I'm comfortable with.

I want to work at finding a balance.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Head Packing

I'm counting the days until I leave - September 25th - I'm starting to pack in my head - sheets, medication, fan, dog food...where is his leash? I've read countless blogs about what to bring and what to leave...I keep forgetting it will probably be a lot cooler there especially in the evenings. I need a jacket - don't really own one - time to do some thrift store shopping.

I have this obsession with my sheets - everyone in Mexico says to bring them from the States - I've already bought a new set to take along. The person I'm staying with until I find my own place is asking me to bring down some new linens for her new house - seems Mexican sheets are all polyester....makes me itch and sweat just thinking about it.