Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Good and the Awful

Got up early this morning (Sunday) and drove into Guadalajara to see the "Thieves Market", no idea why they call it that. It is a typical Mexican market except everything is a bit off.

First - it is located in a very bad part of Guad...dirt streets, run down houses, pathetic dogs roaming around, but the people were very nice and we never felt the least threatened. Here are some pictures

We didn't buy much - but had a great time just wandering around through the crowds looking at all the crazy stuff there. On the drive back to the Lake (about 45 minutes), traffic came to a complete stop - we figured it was just another Federalie's roadblock.

Traffic crawled along until we passed a new pickup truck along side of the road - the drivers door had been completely torn off, but other than that - no damage at all. Then about 50 feet further down the road was a blue tarp with a body underneath. It was obviously a woman - she was lying on her back - her feet and hands were sticking out from under the tarp. She was wearing nice shoes, and you could see she had long, red polished nails.

All the rest of the way - we tried to figure out how in the world this accident could have happened. Did she pull off to the side of the highway and step out of the car and someone just slammed into her? Was she having car trouble? Did she run out of gas?

Life is so fragile. One minute you are driving down the road, going to church or going to meet a friend for lunch; the next you are lying spread eagle, under a blue tarp, dead...and you didn't even break a nail.

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